You can be royal too
A little about me and my blog

Saturday, November 3, 2012 @ 5:18 AM | 0 Comment [s]


Nice to meet you! My name is Meru and I currently residence in europe, in a small country called the Netherlands. Originally I am from the carribean. I hope to travel many more places! I am 18 years old (young?) now and happy to own a blog! Even though my blog might be just a little part of the internet, I hope to reach out to people and make friends!

So, what is my blog about you wonder? It is all about things I like! My hobbies, things that go on in the world, advice to girls (boys too) and struggles of a lady surviving in all different situations. I will work hard to turn this blog into a enjoyable website, so please check it out sometimes!

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Hello! Welcome to my blog! Please do enjoy your stay here. My name is Meru, and currently I live in the netherlands. I am from the carribean and I am 18 years old. I like things to do with lifestyle, beauty, fashion and diy's! My hobbies are cooking, baking and ballet. Oh! I also try to be a princess in this hectic world that is not princess friendly!
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Diary About Stuff Site

The Credits!

Template by : Sharanichi Potter
Header By: Damia
Full Edited : Meru

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