You can be royal too
A princess' way to etiquette part one

Sunday, November 4, 2012 @ 5:56 AM | 0 Comment [s]

Today's article is all about learning how to behave like a princess, from both the inside and the outside. The first part is about how to be a princess from the outside and next week the second part will be uploaded. Perhaps you know all of this already, but it never hurts to have your memory refreshed!

Number one
Natural beauty

I am not saying you should not put make up on. I am saying that you should NOT put LAYERS of make up on your face. It is not only bad for your skin, but it will mask the natural beauty you have. Try to not overdo it with make up, and shine like the natural beauty you are!

Number two
Always wear something underneath skirts and dresses

Nowadays I see girls walking outside without wearing anything underneath their skirt or short dress. Years ago princesses already wore petticoats or bloomers underneath their dress, even if it was a long dress! I think it is a good thing to always wear shorts underneath a skirt or dress. It is very lady like and your underwear will be protected against heavy wind or teasing boys!

Number three
Take good care of your skin

There are girls who use loads of skincare products, there are girls who just use the basics and other girls don't even bother with skincare. However if your skin haves problems, for example, a dry skin it would be best to treat this. There is a reason why the skin is dry, help it! The skin is the biggest organ of the body and should be treated well. Try to minimize the damage to your skin; wear sunblock, don't go out tanning, don't bleach the skin, or use any aggressive products. Some skincare products have a lot of alcohol in it, avoid those as it dries out your skin.

Number four
Take good care of your hair

With this I mean wash your hair when it is dirty. Some people wash their hair everyday, some once a week and others once a month. Go to the hairdresser once in a while, or cut your own split ends. Have a nice treatment once in a while; face masks, massage your scalp or go for a whole different hairstyle!

Number five
Take good care of your hands and feet

How many times do we use our hands and feet in one day? Think about it. It starts as soon after we wake up to when we go to bed. The hands and feet are always busy! This is why it is good to treat the hands and feet sometimes. Cut your toe nails, moisturize your hands, have a scrub, or give your nails a nice color.

Number six
Dress like a lady

What does it mean to dress like a lady? For me it means the following:

1. Have respect for your own body
2. Dress properly for the occasion

1. Nowadays women don't seem to show any respect for the body. Women have piercings, tattoos, plastic surgery or botox treatments. What about the women who wear mini skirts, or tops with way too much cleavage? You are not only showing disrespect to your own body if you dress like that, but you also gain attention you don't want from bad people who have bad intentions.

2. Dressing properly for the occasion, with this I mean don't show up on your job interview with ripped jeans, dirty sneakers and a baggy hoodie. Especially don't show up like this if you are applying at a beauty salon. No. Please. Don't. But also don't wear short skirts or short dresses in winter. Sometimes I see women who wear incredibly short clothing, and can barely move because of the cold!!

This was part one of the princess's way of etiquette, please come back next week for more!

Peace out,

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