Four disturbing Disney story facts
Wednesday, November 7, 2012 @ 6:11 AM | 0 Comment [s]
I was strolling on the internet, just like a princess ofcourse, and I stumbled on some very disturbing stories of fairytales as we know them. I found a lot of stories and I decided to stay with the theme of the blog. Fairy tales with princesses in it! Enjoy (if you can)
The Little Mermaid
If you have seen the little mermaid you
know how the story goes. She is a mermaid, turns into a human,
marries the prince and happy ending. The first version was written by
Hans Christian Andersen. In this one the story is much more dramatic.
Prince Eric marries another princess and she dies out of sadness. She
jumps in the sea and turns into froth. Yes...froth.
Snow White
There were two big things changed in
this story. In the Disney movie the queen asks for the heart of snow
white, and in the original one the queen asks for the girl's liver
and lungs! Which she wants to eat for dinner! Remember the part after
Snow White eats the apple and falls into a deep sleep? In the movie
she is awaken by the kiss of the prince. In the original one the
prince takes the girl's dead body with him on his horse and she then
awakens. Also, in the original one the queen dies in the end by being
forced to dance in hot iron shoes until she falls over dead.
Sleeping Beauty
I might find this one the most
disturbing one. In the fairy tale version of sleeping beauty the
princess is put to sleep when she pricks her finger on a spindle. The
girl sleeps for over a hundred years and then a prince comes to save
her. He kisses her and she finally wakes up again. Of course next is
a cliche ending, they fall in love and marry. But the original tale
is quite weird. In the original the princess fell asleep because of a
prophesy instead of a curse. The king sees the young princess
sleeping and he feels attracted to her. The king just rapes her! And
nine months later two babies are born, while she is still asleep! One
of the babies sucks the girl's finger, maybe due to being hungry.
What happens is that the piece of flax that was stuck to her finger,
and which kept her asleep, gets removed. Sleeping beauty then wakes
up. The young princess is now the mother of two.
Some sources say that the king returned
and took the princess and the babies home. However the king is
married and the wife wants to kill the princess and the babies. In
the end the wife is gone and the princess marries the king.
In the disney's version of Cinderella
it is about a beautiful girl who gets bullied by her stepmother and
sisters, and then eventually marries the prince of the town. In the
original story, Cinderella is called 'Rhodopis' and the story is very
similar to the original one. In the original version, the step
sisters cut off parts of their feet so they can fit in the glass
slipper! They are hoping to fool the prince that way. However the
prince finds out, and suddenly two pigeons peck out the eyes of the
sisters. The rest of the step-sisters lives they are doomed to be
blind and beggars.
What do you think of these stories?
Does it freak you out?
Labels: cinderella, disturbing facts, grimm's fairy tales, hand christian andersen, sleeping beauty, snow white, the little mermaid, Truth about disney |
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