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Am I ready to leave home? Part 1

Monday, October 28, 2013 @ 2:00 AM | 0 Comment [s]

Am I Ready to Leave Home?

In Netherlands it is quite normal to already leave your parents home when you are 16-18, as those are the ages teenagers start college. They usually stay in a student's dorm where they share the dorm with other students, most of the time the bathroom is shared, as well as the kitchen. Other people leave their home because they got married or want to live together with their boyfriend or girlfriend. Unfortunately there are some people who flee the house due to problems at home, or even abuse.
But how can you know when you’re truly ready to leave home? Consider three important subjects to think about before you move out.

What is the reason for moving out?
- Escape problems at home
- Gain more freedom
- Improve my status with my friends
- Help out a friend who needs a roommate
- Gain experience
- Ease the financial burden on my parents

Moving out is a personal decision for every single person. When we look at the above reasonings for moving out, which one would suit you the most? Each reason has a positive part to it.

Escape problems at home
If you live in a household which is abusive, or causes a lot of stress or problems, think about solutions. Are the problems you have at home, able to be fixed by changing something about yourself, or would spending more time with family help? How well do you know your family if all there is are fights in the family? Ofcourse, there are people who do not change. If you live in a abusive home, look for help! Your life is in danger and that is a very valid reason to leave the house, whether it would be a place for yourself or living at a place where you get help.
Gain more freedom
Are you tired of the restrictions you receive at home? Are your parents too strict, or other family members? The most logical reason might be to move out, but it is best to think about it twice. We all have to live with restrictions of some sort. When you’re on your own, your work schedule, or lack of finances will restrict what you can do. Is it really worth it to move out just because you want to stay up late, want to dress the way you want to, or maybe because you do not want to do any household at home? Also considering all the responsibilities you will have. Think about cleaning the apartment, fixing things, pulling weeds, washing clothes, scrubbing floors, and so on.
Improve my status with my friends
Did all of your friends moved out, and do you feel like you should too? Don’t allow others to rush you into a decision! There is more to moving out than having a place of your own. Also, for all you know, you might not be friends anymore over a few years, or maybe some friends go back to live with their parents because they cannot pay the bills!
Help out a friend who needs a roommate
Living together with a friend can be a good way to lessen the costs of a home. Consider a few questions though, how long are you aiming to live with your friend? A year? Ten years? What if she/he wants to get married one day? What if your friend or you get another job, which is too far away from your home? Make sure to have good plans. Are you allowed to bring your other friends when you feel like it? What about the household? Who does the groceries? What if the two of you get into a fight, then what would be a good thing to do, considering you are in the same home? Who makes sure that all the bills will be paid on time?
Gain experience
It is understandable that you want to gain experience, after all, one day you would be living all by yourself. However, what if everything doesn’t work out when you are gaining experience? Consider the following: Try living for a week as if you were on your own. Eat only food that you prepare for yourself, that you buy for yourself at the store, and that you pay for with money you have earned. Wear clothes that you wash and iron. Do all your own housecleaning. And try to get where you need to go by yourself, with no one picking you up or dropping you off. Also a good idea is to live with a friend for a week.

Ease the financial burden on my parents
What a kind thing to do! Moving out to ease the financial burden for your family might seem like a good solution but consider a few more suggestions. How about paying a part of the bills your parents pay? If they do not want to accept your money, considering paying in ‘things’. You can go shopping for groceries or fix a broken object in the home. If you borrow your parent’s car I suggest to drop by at the gas station and fill the tank with some gas. Do you like cooking? Think about making dinner once in a while. Help in the household, do the dishes, wash clothes or clean the rooms. Sometimes there is not much you can do about your parents financial problems, but helping them out is something they will appreciate!

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